There’s more to fleet management than simply getting your clients the vehicles they need. That’s why we have multiple EV adoption options available as part of our one-size-doesn’t-fit-all philosophy to electric vehicles.

There’s more to fleet management than simply getting your clients the vehicles they need. That’s why we have multiple EV adoption options available as part of our one-size-doesn’t-fit-all philosophy to electric vehicles.
Director, ESG & Sustainability
Ted Lague, Director of ESG & Sustainability, joined Merchants in 2021. In his role, he oversees Merchants Fleet’s ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) strategy and programs. In his first year, Lague produced Merchants’ first-ever corporate ESG report, a comprehensive community giving program, and a corporate vendor diversity program designed to encourage the use of small, local businesses that are diversely owned, and operate within socially responsible business practices.