There’s more to fleet management than simply getting your clients the vehicles they need. That’s why we have multiple EV adoption options available as part of our one-size-doesn’t-fit-all philosophy to electric vehicles.

There’s more to fleet management than simply getting your clients the vehicles they need. That’s why we have multiple EV adoption options available as part of our one-size-doesn’t-fit-all philosophy to electric vehicles.
A food service company operating light duty vehicles in sales and service applications.
In order to develop their offering to best suit their own customers’ needs, one of our clients surveyed its customers to learn how they could better be serviced. Through active dialogue and an attentive ear, our client determined they would like to see an increase of driver time at their locations. Our client looked to Merchants Fleet to support this customer need.
For their own needs, our client also recognized that they wanted to lower its operational costs across its fleet but needed direction from a fleet partner.
With a good understanding of the results they needed, our client reached out to us to provide the path to achieve its goals. Armed with the data produced from our fleet management software, TotalView(LINK) , Merchants Fleet worked collaboratively with the client to establish new and enhanced driving routes, which allowed for its staff to have 15% more time to work at their respective locations.
In order to save on operational costs, we collaboratively developed a vehicle utilization model where assets transition from frontline, day-to-day service to spare vehicles as they age in a systematic format. This change in philosophy resulted in a $.05/per mile Total Cost of Ownership reduction, which led to a $401,000 total savings opportunity.
Collaborate with our industry-leading experts to develop fleet strategies that better serve your customers, and ultimately your own business. Contact us today…because you should always settle for better.
Leverage fleet solutions to improve customer satisfaction. Imagine that.
15% increase in time efficiency
$0.05/per mile Total Cost of Ownership Reduction
$401,000 total savings