There’s more to fleet management than simply getting your clients the vehicles they need. That’s why we have multiple EV adoption options available as part of our one-size-doesn’t-fit-all philosophy to electric vehicles.

There’s more to fleet management than simply getting your clients the vehicles they need. That’s why we have multiple EV adoption options available as part of our one-size-doesn’t-fit-all philosophy to electric vehicles.
Pharmacy company operating passenger and light duty vehicles in a delivery application.
Fleet maintenance challenges are costly both in expenses and in productivity. There are some things we can control and others we cannot. For this fleet manager, an increase in maintenance expenses hurt the company two-fold. Not only did it impact the organization financially, it was also causing headaches logistically.
Valuable driving time was being forfeited due to a seemingly endless need of vehicle repairs. The snowball effect was taking over. And when that gains momentum, it can seem overwhelming to overcome.
Our client came to us to solve their fleet maintenance challenges. Our team evaluated our client’s preventative maintenance policies and procedures. Then we monitored and analyzed field behaviors by leveraging fleet data provided by our fleet management software, TotalView(LINK). Through this analysis, our team provided strategic recommendations to improve fleet maintenance spend. The company implemented these recommendations and properly aligned replacement policies to vehicle applications.
The end result? In the first 6 months, the company saw an immediate 18% reduction in maintenance spend across the fleet. That equates to a savings of $40 per month, per vehicle and over $120,000 in total maintenance expenditures.
Learn how partnering with Merchants Fleet can help you achieve operational and cost-containment goals. Contact us today…because you should always settle for better.
Fleet maintenance strategies to save money. Imagine that.
18% Reduction in Fleet Maintenance Spend in 6 Months
$40 of Savings Per Month, Per Vehicle
$120,000 in total maintenance expense savings